Abstract submission for the 55 European Marine Biology Symposium in Gdańsk, Poland is now closed.
In case of questions related to abstracts please, contact the conference secretariat: 55embs@ug.edu.pl.

Online abstract submission form

  1. Submission of abstract can be made ONLY through the online submission by filing in the fields below.
  2. This form can be used for both: Oral and poster presentations.
  3. Only a corresponding author should submit an abstract.
  4. One author registered for the conference may submit up to three abstracts (two posters and one oral request).
  5. Don’t forget to register for the conference before or shortly after submitting your abstract.

Please use the following guidelines (abstracts which do not follow guidelines will be returned to the author for correction).

   (no more than 20 words; Bold)
   (Make sure that the presenting author’s e-mail address is in the affiliation)
   e.g.,	1Affiliation name and address 1.
                 E-mail address of the presenting author (e.g. asmith@xx.xx)
                    2Affiliation name and address 2
Abstract text
   (Not exceeding 250 words)